Design thinking and why it important?

2 min readJan 5, 2021

Thanks to my blogs readers who appreciate me for my previously published two blogs about What is UX Design? And User Experience and why it matters? Now I am going to publish a new blog about Design thinking and why it important? In this blog, I’ll reveal the importance of design thinking and related info. Download free uiux books

Here am going to add a few lines of my blog if you wanna original related blog click here Below is a breakdown of what he is going to cover in this article.

1)What is design thinking?
2) Phases of design thinking
3)Why I wrote this article.


What is design thinking?

It is a process in which we try to find the user’s problems and redefine them to identify solutions.
Definition 1: Design thinking refers to the cognitive, strategic and practical process by which design concepts are developed.

Phases of design thinking:

There are variants design thinking process and are they five to seven design phases, stages or modes. These phases are a set of actions and thoughts.

Empathise: This phase is about understanding problems and users’ needs.
Define: This phase is about defining user problems, product and user’s needs. This definition called a problem statement.
Ideate: In this phase, you have to come up with different ideas and assumption for solving the problem.
Wireframing: This phase requires design sketches, wireframes and solutions. This phase is about making ideas for a tangible product.
Evaluation: In this phase, you have to test or evaluate your wireframes.

Why I wrote this article:

Firstly, there is seemingly a clear need for more articles on design thinking, I found a few experts bothering to explain design thinking and why it matters. So I decided to write this article because I wanted there should be an article where the reader learns most easily and efficiently. This article takes you one step ahead in the UI/UX field. If you like it please comments on and share it with your UX family. If you need UI/UX services to let me contact. You can check out my projects. Stay in touch with me Linkedin, Pinterest, Dribbble.

